It is essential to provide the public sector digital government services, 你的自治市是否是一个城市, a local or central government agency, or public safety or defence organisation.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业数字政务解决方案将帮助您提供互联, 市民的安全体验, 互联和可持续的城市, 以及下一代的公共安全.
Transform the public services experience
- Connect citizens and employees with friendly, safe, digital interactions
- Power connected cities and communities for sustainable living
- Anticipate emergencies to keep citizens safe
- Transform defence to better protect citizens and military staff
Make public services more citizen-centric
数字互动改变了公共部门,可以使公民的体验变得安全和简单. 市政当局甚至可以数字化自动化重复请求和市民欢迎. 这种数字化转型还支持高效的远程工作和协作,使服务能够继续进行, 即使在危机情况下. 来自云的安全服务也是可能的,并且易于采用和使用.
Digital networks also help cities develop in a sustainable manner. 不断增长的人口和远程工作的大量增加改变了对带宽的需求, from city centres to residential areas. Hyper-connected cities depend on city digital networks to function well, 易于管理和安全, 同时满足用户和物联网设备不断增长的连接需求.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业技术还可以提高公共安全,帮助预测危机情况. We can help you transform emergency management and be 112/911 compliant. 集中通知持续监控报警源,人工智能分析紧急情况,数字协作工具提高干预速度. 公共场所和建筑物现在可以使用基于位置的服务和寻路来协调疏散.
Defence goes digital for more efficient operations
通过使用数据分析和连接对象来推动战略决策,互联设备正在改变国防作战. 通信和网络需要安全,同时操作要简单. 我们的互联防御解决方案和国防认证设备提供关键任务, encrypted communications to field and office teams, on top of a resilient and secured network.
How do ALE digital government solutions help the public sector?
Citizens enjoy easy to use and available public services:
- 24/7 public services on apps and websites offer convenience and safety
- Smart and sustainable buildings are pleasant to live and work in
- Powerful, secure Wi-Fi ensures instant connectivity anytime, anywhere
Public service employees enjoy modernised services:
- Digital workspaces power public service continuity and citizen focus
- Collaboration tools enable better coordination between services or teams
- Easy to use tools accelerate the adoption of new ways of work
城市和服务经理们满怀信心地接受转型,并通过设计实现安全, GDPR-compliance, 主要安全认证:
- 数据保持100%私有
- 可扩展和高可用性网络适应增长并确保业务连续性
- 灵活的统一通信解决方案,部署在云或混合,满足不同的安全需求
- Ruggedized equipment ensures outdoor or harsh conditions projects success
Elected representatives respect budgets and requirements:
- 遵守中央和地方政府、公共安全和国防法规
- 灵活的业务模式:云、内部部署或混合模式,满足预算需求
- Grow citizen satisfaction and confidence in public services
Achieve a maximum security network at minimal cost.1/10
数字时代通信 for a smarter Operations Control Centre2/1000:01:30
Customer reference Regional Council 勃艮地什孔泰3/1000:02:14
勃艮地什孔泰 Regional Counsel (France) customer reference4/1000:02:14
Dispatch Console6/1000:02:33
政府Wi-Fi - 6 -短视频8/1000:01:00
Connected Defense in Asia-Pacific video9/1000:01:39
The three technology pillars to realize the next normal of government10/1000:02:59
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